Some 15.2 million people in the United States are involved in direct
selling, with total sales at $29.6 billion in the US and $114 billion
worldwide, according to the Direct Selling Association,
a Washington, DC-based trade group of firms that manufacture and
distribute goods and services. Cosmetics, health items, and wellness
products are among those that tend to do well, says Doris Wood, chairman
of the Irvine. California-based Multilevel Marketing International Association, a professional organization of direct sales companies and distributors.
M. Robinson, DSA's vice president of communications says direct selling
should not be confused with other business conducted outside of a fixed
retail location, such as telemarketing, shopping mall kiosks, or
work-from-home ventures such as envelop stuffing. Direct selling is
primarily done one-on-one, at product demonstrations, or home shopping
parties—the most widely recognized sales method where friends and family
gather for a few hours to learn about and sample the product. Read more here.
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