Thursday, May 22, 2014

Expeller Pressed Grapeseed Oil is made from grape seeds

The grape seed oil is made by cold-pressing the grape seeds. It has been extensively used around the world.  It contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and antioxidants. Grape seed oil contains high quantities of Vitamin E and F and also minerals like zinc potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and selenium. But most of all grape seed oil is rich in proanthocyanidins (OPC) a compound that is high in antioxidants which are 50 times more effective than Vitamin E and 20 times stronger than Vitamin C. Antioxidants are found in grape skins and seeds and are more concentrated in red and black grapes. Continue reading...

     what is grapeseed oil?
Natural, nutritious, delicious and easy to prepare

Expeller Pressed Grapeseed Oil is made from grape seeds after wine production. It is therefore environmentally sound and requires no new farmland or water to produce. Versatile, delicious and good for you, Grapeseed oil allows the pure flavor of fresh food to come through. Its delicate flavor and body make it perfect for sauteing, baking or frying. Try it in salad dressings, on pasta or hard breads, or use as marinades or bastes for the grill.

Wildtree's Grapeseed Oil is Expeller Pressed. Wildtree Grapeseed Oil is NOT solvent extracted like the vast majority of Grapeseed oils in the marketplace. Expeller pressed grapeseed oil is the result of a chemical-free mechanical process that extracts oil from seeds with no external heat and produces the finest oil. This method of oil extraction is an alternative to the chemical extraction method used for many conventional oils. Sometimes expeller pressed is referred to as cold-pressed. 

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