Your list makes grocery shopping quick and easy.
No running to the store for last-minute forgotten items.
No need to waste time and mental energy deciding what is for dinner each night.
Prevent Obesity!
Prevent your children from becoming overweight by modeling healthy, balanced eating.
Have a better handle on the nutritional content of your meals.
Tailor your meals to your family member’s specific dietary needs.
Value Your Family’s Health!
Skip the fast food and restaurant options which are typically high in fat and sodium.
Skip the boxed or frozen “heat up and serve” options full of preservatives and additives.
YOU can make the choice to bake instead of fry, add veggies, or season to YOUR liking.
Save Money!
Meal planning means less take-out and fast food for dinner.
Shopping with a list means less impulse buys and wasted food.
A simple plan allows you to buy in bulk, shop when items are on sale, and clip coupons.
The saved money WILL add up. Use it for a vacation, a special night out, or “extras.”
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