Wednesday, July 2, 2014

9 Ways to Stay Cool this Month!

9 Ways to Stay Cool this Month

It’s July and it’s hot! Beat the heat this month with these helpful tips on staying cool:
Stay low. Heat rises, which makes the upstairs of your house the warmest area. Head to the basement during the hottest hours of the day.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the day. Water too bland for your taste? Increase your sipping by adding fruit or herbs (like mint) for a boost of flavor.
Chill out. Place ice cubes on your pulse points. These spots cool quickly and will help decrease your overall body temperature.
Stay still. Stop fanning yourself. It uses more energy and creates more body heat.
Get out of the house. Checkout some cool activities in your community. Visit the library, go see a movie, or head to the public ice rink for some mid-summer skating.
Dress for the occasion. Switch to cotton clothing and bedding. It’s breathable and allows for air circulation.
Be strategic. Close the windows, shut the blinds, and turn off the lights during the day. Then open the windows back up when it cools off at night.  You may also want to invest in white window shades, which will reflect heat away from your house.
Eat smart. Try to avoid big meals with lots of protein. These take more energy to digest, increasing your body heat. Instead, eat smaller, lighter meals throughout the day.
Avoid the oven. Make no-cook meals and avoid additional heat from your stove. Need some inspiration? Checkout last month’s Menu Planner for some delicious options.

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